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A storage system is made up of devices and equipment that are subject to management control. System is designed to absorb and release electrical energy.
The storage system guarantees partial independence from the grid and greater self-consumption which in effect decreases the cost of electricity, meaning lower electricity bills.
With the photovoltaic storage system, Esergetica aims to promote a new concept of distributed energy, using smart systems to manage domestic energy consumption, and additionally to recharge electric car batteries.
Photovoltaic installations transform the solar energy falling on the earth’s surface into electricity by exploiting the properties of silicon which is the main element in the panels.
A solar photovoltaic installation is made up of photovoltaic modules, which are the most important element in the installation, since the electricity is generated by their exposure to solar radiation. This technology exploits the so-called photovoltaic effect deriving from the properties of a number of semiconductors (silicon is the most commonly used) which, when appropriately treated, can generate electricity if struck by light, triggering a movement of electrons that generate a ow of electrical current.
Esergetica designs and installs turnkey photovoltaic installations of all sizes, starting from feasibility studies of the installations right up to grid connection and subsequent after sales support.
LED (Light Emitting Diode) lamps can save up to 70% electricity with respect to traditional incandescent bulbs. They emit light without heat radiation (IR) or ultraviolet rays (UV), reducing the risk of radiation damage to surfaces and materials.
LED lamps are free from elements that could be toxic or harmful to people and have a much longer average life expectancy than traditional incandescent or low-consumption bulbs.
Heat pumps are refrigerant gas compression systems which transform electrical energy into heat energy to heat rooms and/or produce domestic hot water.
Esergetica proposes HVAC installations for heating, air-conditioning and ventilation using the most modern heat pumps as generators.
Esergetica designs heating installations fuelled by renewable fuels that exploit the combustion of wood or vegetable derived products as a source of energy.
The quantity of CO2 produced during the combustion of biomass corresponds to the amount absorbed by the wood during the natural plant growth process.
A solar thermal installation converts solar energy into heat which then heats domestic hot water, or integrates with the central heating installation.
The sun heats the liquid passing through the solar panels on the roof. The heat of the solar liquid is then transferred to water and stored in a storage tank. This can then be used for domestic hot water or central heating.
Producing hot water using solar panels can lead to considerable savings. Esergetica can design and supply ad hoc systems for solar thermal installations.
In a detached house, energy from the sun can provide up to 60% of the energy needed to produce domestic hot water.
In spring and autumn, integration with solar thermal energy can often mean leaving the boiler turned off.